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My time here in Ecuador has impacted me in a way I could have never imagined. I never thought the hardest part from this trip would be leaving. This study abroad opportunity pushes you to grow in a way other trips don’t, living with a new family and speaking a new language is the most beautiful challenge I’ve faced. You are able to learn SO much about yourself, others, culture, the world, and much more, in such a short time, I couldn’t be more thankful for this time and the people I’ve met.

Chloe Jacobson. Fall 2021

The semester in Ecuador was a great way to step outside the culture we knew and experience a new culture first hand. Being able to travel with a group of people I had never met was a lot of fun because we had to work together to overcome challenges, however simple, in this new country and in a foreign language and it brought us all closer together. A semester abroad experience is also a wonderful time to grow closer to God; you are stepping into a bunch of unknowns and a very unfamiliar place so it is good to trust in Him and let this new experience challenge and grow your faith. Traveling to Ecuador for a semester is something I can’t recommend highly enough, it is a very beautiful country and the time you have there will be unforgettable.

Josiah Gritter. Spring 2021

I was among the class of '22 where I finished my degree in global studies at the Ecuador program. I saw that you and your team recently took a trip to Cuenca and did exploratory research on potential offerings outside of the traditional bio-pre med pathways at FHE. I wanted to give my experience and testimony as a member of the HGPS department that went through the program. In the fall of '22 I had the opportunity to work with Rocky and Dr. Diego as an executive assistant in the administration of Fundacion Hogar del Ecuador, and was given the opportunity to lead and develop multiple development programs. Among these included fundraising, quantitative analysis, and executive decision making when it came to vendors. Working in their office allowed me to not only practice my Spanish, but help deliver real and tangible results as they were building a new hospital tower to expand the clinic and practice. To my knowledge this resulted in a successful partnership with the Taylor alumni and development office where past graduates have the opportunity to financially support the Ecuador program and eventually lead to a donor relations network.


Since graduation I can say that this opportunity directly led to my acceptance at Johns Hopkins University to study Organizational Leadership in addition to receiving an offer from United Health Group to be in their pre-executive program the Consulting Development Program. I cannot say enough about the Ecuador program and leadership under Maria De Lourdes and I hope that you continue to pursue this opportunity for future Global Studies students within the HGPS program. When I left, there was plenty of work to be done with FHE, and I also know that there was a desire to strengthen this pathway. I personally am invested in seeing this continue and see fruit and would be more than willing to help as an Alumni in any way I can, but I also thought it could be encouraging to share my own success story within the Ecuador.


          Nathaniel Boer. Fall 2022

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